Liv.52Â is a herbal composition that improves liver efficiency, protects the liver from toxins, drugs and chemicals, stimulates the appetite and promotes proper nutrition. It promotes regeneration of liver cells, and can be used as co-therapy when treating many liver conditions such as hepatitis, distemper and parvovirus.
Liv.52Â is a natural, plant based herbal medicine that promotes liver health in dogs and cats.
It’s a dietary supplement based on the Ayurvedic system of herbal medicine  to maintain the health and vitality of your pet’s liver – one of the major vital organs. The preparation stimulates the appetite, promotes proper nutrition and detoxifies the liver while boosting optimal function.
Liv.52 can protect the liver from damage that may be caused by toxins, drugs and chemicals. By promoting the regeneration of liver cells and proteins in the liver cells, Liv.52 can restore your pet’s liver to a state of healthy function.
Liv.52Â is an effective co-therapy for many liver conditions such as hepatitis, distemper and parvovirus. It also helps protect the liver from toxins that can be found in the environment through pesticides, and through many conventional pharmaceutical treatments where liver damage is a side-effect.
For pets with compromised appetites, Liv.52 can stimulate the appetite and promote weight gain and help your pet consume the nutrition they need for optimal health and wellness.
The liquid preparation is easy to add to their food.
Appetite stimulant and hepatoprotective
Appetite stimulant: Natural appetite stimulant that increases appetite in your pets.
Hepatoprotective: Liv.52 PET protects the liver from toxins, drugs and chemicals.
Regeneration of liver cells: The drug restores the architecture and function of the damaged liver by promoting the regeneration of liver cells.
Promotes protein synthesis: It enhances protein building in liver cells.
LIV 52
- Liv.52 is a nutritional supplement, used as a growth stimulant and an appetite stimulant in cases of liver disease.Â
Dosage and method of use of Liv.52Â
- Dosage in young dogs: 5-8 ml, twice daily for 1-3 months.
- Dosage in large dogs: 10-15 ml, twice daily for 1-3 months.
- Dosage in cats: 3-5 ml, twice daily for 1-3 months.
Ingredients -Â
Caper Bush, Chicory